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5 Tips to get your staff upselling

Upselling is often described as a sales technique where a salesperson persuades a customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons inorder to have higher customer spend. Upselling usually is about recommending more profitable services or products but it can also be simply exposing the customer to other options which were not known andpreviously considered.

5 Tips to get your staff upselling

Upselling is often described as a sales technique where a salesperson persuades a customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons inorder to have higher customer spend. Upselling usually is about recommending more profitable services or products but it can also be simply exposing the customer to other options which were not known andpreviously considered. Upselling implies selling something that is more profitable or otherwise preferable for the seller instead of the original sale. That is a theory but the real question is it just about making more profitable sales or maybe giving your customers great service and pamper him/her so that an overall experience will be undoubtedly the best.


In an attempt to upsell successfullyyou need to determine what products or services you wish to promote.  It obviously makes sense to promote high profit items but there other criteria you should take into consideration. A product has to have high perceived value to the customer otherwise it will not meet your sales expectation and it will not contribute to customers’ satisfaction and trust. It’s also important to distinguish between a high selling price and profitability and meeting your customer needs – as it simply may not go together and you could end up with an unhappy customer feeling forced to buy something that he/she is interested in and is not within his/her budget.


Whatever you are selling – is it a product or a service you and your staff need to understand and know everything about itfully. It is all about details: what are all parts of the package/set, which food supplement is recommended if they have the exact need, what does this protein bar taste like, what are indications that he/she should buy a sport massage etc. Allow your staff to experience all the products and services first hand so this will not only make them more memorable but also the stuff feel eager to promote if as they are confident to talk about it.


There are not so many naturally born great sellers. It is all the matter of proper training and gaining some extra skills. Teach the staff the mechanics of upselling.There are few simple rules that help a lot: -    Ask open questions in order to spot customers’ needsbetter -    Listen actively, patiently and in detail to customers’ requests -    Make correct suggestions to answer customers’ expectations -    Learn to describe products in own words rather than learning any scriptby heart Let your team practice different scenarios so they can feel more confident..


Nothing motivates more than certain goals, especially linked to remuneration. Linking your upselling activity to some specific targets will be easy thanks to PerfectGym management software. It will help you to monitor the progress of your staff and check which offer sells better. Whatever goals you setmake sure they are clearly measurable and achievable, are well understood by your team and will work as a great motivator. And don’t forget to give regular updates on the progress.


It is easy to say something but much harder to go ahead and simply do it. You shoouldn’t expect your staff to deliver best results in upsellingautomatically as they need time and practice. Observe how your employees handle the upselling conversation and give them feedback on what they did well, what they could improve. Be a good leader and offer the support and guidance on areas where they need more help.


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