
Your Self-Service Front Desk Assistant

Empower your members to sign up, book classes, make payments and manage all their club-related tasks conveniently with PerfectGym’s Kiosk. Reduce reception queues, improve customer experiences, and optimise staff resources by giving access to a modern device.

Automate, Assist, Optimise

Run a Fully Automated 24/7 Gym

Make sure your club runs smoothly even outside the staff’s working hours. Empower new and current members to join and handle all administrative tasks via a user-friendly Kiosk.

Boost Member Convenience with Self-Service

Eliminate queues by allowing your members to manage all aspects of their club memberships without requiring assistance from the reception staff.

Optimise Front Desk Efficiency

All data in one system. By understanding your daily, monthly or annual sales results on a detailed level, you can improve your sales efforts and sustain business growth.

Kiosks for Club Aesthetics and Member Ease
Types of Devices

Kiosks for Club Aesthetics and Member Ease

Select from three different Kiosk options to complement your club's style and offer optimal convenience to your members. PerfectGym provides standalone, desktop, and wall-mounted devices, each designed to elevate the member experience and streamline their interactions within your facility.

  • Standalone Kiosk
  • Desktop Kiosk
  • Wall-Mounted Kiosk
Customise Your Kiosk for Enhanced Functionality
Kiosk Add-Ons

Customise Your Kiosk for Enhanced Functionality

To enhance the customer experience, the PerfectGym Kiosk can be equipped with various devices, including scanners for easy authentication, cameras to capture members' profile pictures, non-fiscal printers, and payment terminals for convenient credit card transactions.

  • Scanner
  • Printer
  • Camera
  • Payment terminal
Easy and Secure Contract Signing Option
Collect Digital Signatures

Easy and Secure Contract Signing Option

Equip your club with a sustainable and secure solution for a paperless, automated experience. Increase member convenience with a simple and efficient process, allowing them to go through the process at their own pace, eliminating the need for staff assistance.

  • No more piles of paperwork
  • Secure data usage consent
  • Streamline contract signing
Give Members Full Control for Improved Experience
Membership Management

Give Members Full Control for Improved Experience

Empower members and guests to conveniently create accounts or log into the Client Portal right at the club. They can seamlessly book classes, make purchases, and redeem discounts, ensuring a smooth and automated member journey. Distribute RFID or barcode-equipped cards and wristbands for instant access and send mobile confirmations for activity updates and payment receipts.

  • Fully automated registration process
  • Easy and flexible payments
  • Great customer experience
Proven Solution for Maximum Data Protection
Data Security

Proven Solution for Maximum Data Protection

Data security is our top priority. PerfectGym software not only guarantees that your members are compliant with data processing consent but also operates in alignment with GDPR and ISO/IEC27001 certifications, ensuring the highest safety standards of the data and payments.

  • Safety measures certified by ISO 27001
  • GDPR Compliance

Get Started with PerfectGym Today

Accelerate your front desk efficiency with a modern Kiosk, designed for fitness and leisure centres. Discover how it can effectively optimise your club’s operations for improved business performance!

Maximum Convenience With Self-Service Solution

Streamline the joining process by providing members with additional ways to become part of your club.

Choose device type and add-ons to address the expectations of your members.

Have your Kiosk up and running in just four weeks with simple configuration and guidance from our implementation and customer success team.

The software was designed with a user-centric approach, aiming to optimise all processes and deliver a pleasant experience through an intuitive UX.

Provide additional assistance to your reception team or allow for fully automated access outside working hours, ensuring 24/7 access.

Frequently Asked Questions

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