Increase Revenue

Maximise Your Fitness Business's Financial Potential

Simplify club management, optimise day-to-day operations, and unlock data-driven insights with PerfectGym's innovative management system. Get access to advanced tools and an ecosystem of industry partners, all designed to drive revenue growth and elevate profitability.

Enhanced Satisfaction, Elevated Revenue

Flexible Transactions Anywhere, Anytime

Enable members to purchase, manage and renew memberships at any time, so your business can generate income beyond club hours.

Reach 99% Cashless Transactions

Integrate your club with the best payment providers, enabling seamless transactions and recurring billing to eliminate delays and ensure a steady revenue stream.

Grow Membership Base by 88%

Build an engaged community of members with the tools designed to elevate member motivation, retention, and convenience.

Improve Class Attendance and Retain Members for 15 Months Longer
Automation Centre

Improve Class Attendance and Retain Members for 15 Months Longer

Members who attend group classes are 56% less likely to leave your gym compared to those who work out independently. By sending them personalised communication with PerfectGym’s Automation Centre, you can boost class attendance by as much as 267%!

  • Automate everyday communication
  • Keep members well-informed
  • Send emails, SMS, and push notifications
  • Easy automation rules configuration

We use the Automation Centre for pretty much everything. Welcome emails when joining, notifications on class booking, waitlist, class availability, payment reminders, facility booking confirmation, cancellation notices etc.

Turn More Leads into Paying Members

We are also using the waitlist feature and CRM to deal with enquiries for our swimming lesson programme and quickly fill spaces on the programme as they open up.

Customer Relationship Manager

Turn More Leads into Paying Members

Empower your sales department to control and optimise each step of the members' journey with generation tools to maximise your acquisition potential. Convert 70% of leads into members and improve your business results significantly.

  • Simplify your sales pipeline
  • Identify and address drop-offs strategically
  • Assign leads and track progress
  • Streamline the lead follow-up process
Decrease Liability and Protect Your Revenue

Our members can effortlessly visit any of our new or existing Level Up Fitness gyms at any time, 24 hours, even outside regular staff hours. With just a simple scan of their RFID cards at the doors, PerfectGym quickly verifies their good standing, and the doors unlock, welcoming them to their workout sessions.

Access Control Solutions

Decrease Liability and Protect Your Revenue

Implementing secure access control not only safeguards your premises but also shields your revenue streams. By preventing unregistered guests from entering the club, you will successfully mitigate liability risks, ensuring a safe environment and preserving profits.

  • Provide members with secure, 24/7 club access
  • Choose from a range of access control devices
  • Prevent unauthorised entries to plug revenue leaks
Achieve a Remarkable 97% Success Rate with Recurring Payments

The capability to link credit cards to an account and convenient payment integrations allows us to seamlessly collect debt from club members' accounts, which is suitable for us and our members. Additionally, the auto-renewal feature for contracts ensures a continuation of payments, allowing uninterrupted access to all club member benefits.

Payment Integrations

Achieve a Remarkable 97% Success Rate with Recurring Payments

Simplify membership payments by enabling convenient recurring billing to eliminate delays and ensure seamless transactions. By offering hassle-free payment options, members enjoy uninterrupted access while eradicating income setbacks for your club.

  • Elevate members' payment experience
  • Integrate with top-notch providers worldwide
  • Improve debt collection rates
  • Provide an uninterrupted club experience with recurring payments
  • Reach 99% cashless transactions
Turn Insights into Profit
Reporting & Analytics

Turn Insights into Profit

In-depth insights into member behaviour and preferences empower strategic decision-making, enabling targeted services and tailored offerings that resonate with their needs. Adjust your strategies, capture hidden opportunities, and enhance your bottom line with data-driven precision.

  • Access easy-to-navigate dashboards
  • Generate reports on your real-time data
  • Get your preferred reports in your email
  • Understand your members’ needs
  • Tailor offerings to individual preferences

The reports generated by PerfectGym have proven to be invaluable in making data-driven business decisions. For example, we can analyse the performance of certain group exercise classes and make informed decisions on whether to change them to something more popular and in demand. Moreover, we can identify which neighbourhoods our gym outlets are frequented by and leverage this data to strategically open new outlets closer to those neighbourhoods, maximising our outreach and potential customer base.

Elevate Member Autonomy with Self-Service Solutions

In 2022, twice as many members purchased their memberships online compared to the previous year. Nearly 17% of all payments are made through the app or website. This feature saves clients' time and reduces the workload of our reception staff.

Client Portal & Kiosk

Elevate Member Autonomy with Self-Service Solutions

Offer members self-service solutions so they can manage their club memberships at their convenience, reducing dependence on staff assistance. Streamline administrative tasks and reallocate resources to revenue-generating initiatives.

  • Simplify membership sign-ups and renewals
  • Convenient class bookings and cancellations
  • Maximise employee efficiency
Attain a 99% Success Rate for Your Referral Campaign
Mobile App

Attain a 99% Success Rate for Your Referral Campaign

Reward your members for referrals, exponentially growing your membership base while minimising acquisition costs. Leverage the power of your customers in building a strong and fit community, fostering an organic and cost-effective means of revenue expansion.

  • Increase membership base
  • Improve member retention
  • Reward loyal members
  • Save on marketing costs

Get Started with PerfectGym Today

Ready to elevate your financial performance? Schedule a demo to discover how PerfectGym's advanced system can help you optimise operations, boost profitability, and achieve financial goals.

Maximise Business Profitability, Achieve Financial Success

Ready to revolutionise your business strategy? Take advantage of PerfectGym’s cutting-edge tools to expand financial outcomes and accelerate business growth.

Seize every growth opportunity for your membership base. Empower your sales team with our CRM solution, optimising every step of the members' journey for maximum lead conversion.

Leverage advanced analytic tools to identify and patch revenue leaks in your profit pipeline.

Move beyond instinct-based decisions. Listen to your data, address the needs of your community and maximise return on every investment.

Future-proof your business with secure access control, eliminating unwanted entry, reducing liability risks, and ensuring a safe environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

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