Reduce Operating Costs

Improve Operational Efficiency to Save Time and Money

Stop wasting resources and start optimising your business. With the right gym management software, you will have all the technical capabilities to maximise your operational efficiency and identify areas for significant savings.

Automate, Optimise, Save

Cut Costs with Self-Service Solutions

By allowing members to self-manage their memberships at their convenience, you eliminate the need for additional staff, reducing the cost of running your club.

Reduce Member Acquisition Costs

Acquiring new customers is 5 to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one. Build long-lasting relationships with members and save up to 95% of the costs!

Lower Development Expenses

PerfectGym's open API allows you to extend the platform's functionality to suit your unique needs without incurring high development costs.

Leverage Your Community Potential and Reduce Marketing Expenses

We use the Automation Centre to reach our member engagement and retention goals. Thanks to this feature, we have seen customer retention growth of around 60%.

Referral System

Leverage Your Community Potential and Reduce Marketing Expenses

With just two clicks, your members can invite their friends to join your club directly from the PerfectGym GO mobile app. By rewarding your brand advocates and fostering a strong community, you will increase the number of visits and improve member retention. Additionally, with only 45 referred new members, you can save $1,000 in marketing expenses!

  • Achieve a 99% success rate for your referral campaign
  • Increase membership base
  • Improve member retention
  • Reward loyal members
  • Save on marketing costs
Make Better Decisions Based on Data
Reporting & Analytics

Make Better Decisions Based on Data

Understand your clients’ needs with detailed reports on their behaviour. By leveraging data to inform your decisions, you can effectively reduce unnecessary expenses and optimise every investment for improved ROI.

  • Get access to extensive library of reports
  • Tailor offerings to individual preferences
  • Increase membership base by 88%

The reports generated by PerfectGym have proven to be invaluable in making data-driven business decisions. For example, we can analyse the performance of certain group exercise classes and make informed decisions on whether to change them to something more popular and in demand. Moreover, we can identify which neighbourhoods our gym outlets are frequented by and leverage this data to strategically open new outlets closer to those neighbourhoods, maximising our outreach and potential customer base.

Elevate Member Autonomy with Self-Service Solutions

PerfectGym as a one stop digital solution has turned Arena’s business around. Their platform has helped consolidate and integrate our operations, with substantial reduction in manual input hours, taking us to new heights. This has set us apart from the rest, giving us an edge for the innovation in what we do.

Client Portal & Kiosk

Elevate Member Autonomy with Self-Service Solutions

Empower your members to independently manage all aspects of their club memberships, reducing reliance on reception staff for assistance. Alleviating the administrative workload on your front desk employees will improve the overall efficiency of your club operations and lead to substantial cost savings.

  • Simplify membership management
  • Save trees, save money, go paperless
  • Maximise front desk efficiency
Cost-Effective Solutions for 24/7 Gym Accessibility

Our members can effortlessly visit any of our new or existing Level Up Fitness gyms at any time, 24 hours, even outside regular staff hours. With just a simple scan of their RFID cards at the doors, PerfectGym quickly verifies their good standing, and the doors unlock, welcoming them to their workout sessions.

Access Control

Cost-Effective Solutions for 24/7 Gym Accessibility

Run your club round-the-clock without the need for a receptionist to scan passes throughout the night. PerfectGym's access control system enables 24/7 gym operations, providing convenience and security while keeping costs in check.

  • Give members the freedom to train whenever they want
  • Enable secure access options
  • Eliminate the need for round-the-clock staffing
  • Offer maximum convenience for improved retention
Develop Your Ecosystem at a Fraction of the Cost

Our whole ecosystem is built around PerfectGym. We use open API to connect our mobile app and payment systems, and we plan to introduce e-commerce to sell branded merchandise.

Integrations & Open API

Develop Your Ecosystem at a Fraction of the Cost

Expand your digital ecosystem to give your members access to the world of experiences. PerfectGym’s Open API gives you the flexibility to custom integrations with third-party providers without high custom development costs.

  • Build your digital ecosystem on our open platform
  • Create a member-focused fitness environment
  • Enable convenient billing options
  • Integrate with top third-party fitness equipment
  • Connect with the apps your members love
Identify and Retain Members at Risk of Churning

We decided to choose PerfectGym for many reasons. The most important is the ability to generate reports to read data and the simplicity of doing this. The goals we aim to achieve with the PerfectGym partnership are to use the data to listen to our clients to reach out to them, and to scale our business.

BI & Analytics

Identify and Retain Members at Risk of Churning

Effectively address churn risks by accessing actionable insights into member engagement, consolidated from all your clubs into an intuitive, centralised platform. Integrate Business Intelligence tools with PerfectGym’s database to retain members based on accumulated behavioural data.

  • Save the cost of acquiring new customers
  • Access advanced reports with instant insights
  • Retain members before they decide to leave

Get Started with PerfectGym Today

Ready to take your financial management to the next level? Schedule a demo to see how PerfectGym's advanced system can help you streamline operations, boost profitability, and achieve your financial goals.

Minimise Costs Maximise Business Profitability

Ready to take control of your business expenses? Optimise your spending and scale your business effectively with PerfectGym’s innovative solutions.

Give members full control over their memberships at any device, freeing up your employees so they can shift focus from paperwork to delivering an exceptional experience.

Tap into your customers' potential to grow your membership base, fostering a motivated community through rewarding friend referrals to save on high member acquisition and marketing costs.

Go paperless with PerfectGym's cloud-based platform, not only improving data accessibility but also optimising operational costs for more efficient and cost-effective management.

Offer more experience than ever before and expand your digital ecosystem by leveraging the cost-effective open API, seamlessly integrating third-party apps, hardware and software.

Frequently Asked Questions

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