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A Fresh New Look: PerfectGym is Rebranding!

We're thrilled to announce that Perfect Gym is undergoing a rebranding journey, unveiling a fresh colour scheme and website to mark the ongoing evolution of our brand. This refreshed visual identity encapsulates the essence of our company and the solutions we provide.

perfect gym rebranding mockups

PerfectGym stands as a global leader in management software, aiding businesses within the fitness and leisure industries to grow. As we expand our horizons, maintaining a cohesive brand image across borders becomes imperative. Our bold brand identity mirrors our ambition to spearhead digital transformation within the fitness sector, aiming to bolster trust and make a lasting impact on customers worldwide. By crafting a robust and consistent brand identity, we ensure that PerfectGym is easily recognisable and embodies all our strengths, values, and aspirations.

Why the Change?

With over a decade of experience, we've gained a deeper understanding of what PerfectGym represents and how to effectively showcase the brand's quality and evolution. As we continue to grow and evolve, we require an expansive representation of our visual identity.

From an operational standpoint, we seek complete ownership and control over the design and presentation of our brand on a global scale, aiming to enhance engagement across all channels.

A clear set of guidelines ensures that our communication remains coherent, distinctive, and easily identifiable. As pioneers in digital transformation, it's paramount that our branding and communication reflect our leadership status and resonate with our customers.

perfect gym home page mocukp on a laptop

PerfectGym’s Fresh Look

Branding principles

As a global software company, we are committed to excellence, aiming to create valuable and trusted experiences through our solutions. Our design ethos revolves around four key principles:

  1. Consistent

We build upon the strengths of our existing brand, opting for an evolution rather than a revolution in our communication strategy to maintain brand recognisability and amplify our message's impact.

  1. Confident

Our visual language reflects our brand's confidence, characterised by clarity, decisiveness, and consistency across all communication channels.

  1. Simple

We ensure that our materials are clear and easily comprehensible for our partners and customers, with design elements that complement rather than distract from the content.

  1. Trusted

We uphold a commitment to quality, eschewing vague statements and industry jargon in favour of transparent communication that underscores the reliability and integrity of our products.


Our logo remains unchanged as it is the strongest, most visible and recognisable element of our branding.

The PerfectGym brand was designed with a bold, dynamic and human approach in mind, which has not changed over the years. The “PG Guy” design is an expression of our personality and everyday approach to work that make PerfectGym’s products unique in the market. It also symbolises and underscores our ability to integrate various elements to deliver comprehensive solutions.

perfect gym logo

Brand colours

We are expanding our understanding of colours. Our brand identity is defined by a harmonious palette, predominantly featuring blue hues that evoke feelings of trust and intelligence.

At the core of our brand lies PG Blue. Complementing this core colour, we've chosen a trio of additional blue tones to further enrich our visual language and enhance clarity.

Innovation and modernity are brought to life through accents of cyan and orange. These vibrant hues infuse creativity into our colour scheme and website design, elevating the impact and sophistication of our visual presence.

perfect gym colour palette

New Website Design

We have worked hard to ensure that our redesigned website caters to the needs of all our customers. Whether you are a local independent gym searching for basic management software or an international fitness chain looking for an innovative, complex and scalable solution, we've got you covered!

Featuring a vibrant design with improved navigation, our new website provides quick access to essential information. Our primary focus has been on enhancing user experience across all platforms and devices, making it easier for users to discover valuable insights about our solutions.

What’s new on the website? 

The new website boasts a clean design and intuitive and consistent site-wide navigation to help you easily find your way around. The entire design is maintained in a new colour scheme, enriched with graphic elements representing our tools. The sharp edges of the shapes, e.g. buttons, refer to our logo, which also appears several times in this concept.

perfect gym website laptop mockup

Moreover, we’ve introduced a range of new content to the website.

We’ve added a new section titled “Your Business” comprising four pages catering to different segments of our customer base: independent gyms, fitness chains, enterprises, and leisure centres. Additionally, our “Our Solutions” section addresses common challenges faced by businesses in the fitness and wellness industries, outlining how our platform can drive revenue growth, enhance retention, reduce operating costs, and facilitate digital transformation.

Furthermore, we've expanded and updated descriptions of our main products and modules under “Platform Capabilities” accompanied by a new FAQ page to provide users with comprehensive information. As industry leaders, we remain committed to sharing knowledge. Hence, you'll still find a wealth of resources, including successful case studies, insightful blog posts, and expert white papers, all available in updated editions.

mobile mockup perfect gym webiste

What does this change mean for our customers?

While this rebranding represents a significant visual transformation, our core values and dedication to customer success remain unchanged. Our team of professionals will continue to deliver the same, if not higher, level of professionalism, ensuring that PerfectGym remains the top choice for our valued customers!

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